An Everlasting Message for Mankind
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An Everlasting Message for Mankind
The truth Bhagwan Sri Krishna had prophesied five thousand year ago, the same truth was pronounced by all enlightened saints through Bible, Quran, Avesta and Granth Saheb that the supreme is universally one. Therefore Geeta singularly represents all the theological texts of the world. If the subject of the supreme is set aside from all the scriptures and theologies. Nothing will remain with mankind to claim as quintessential and worthwhile. It is for this legitimate reason India is called the spiritual master of the world.
First of all the seers of India sought the supreme being and held him to be the sole basis of all happiness and peace for mankind. Consequently, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahaveer, Jesus, Mohammad, Socrates, Aristotle and other seers attained him inspiring and guiding the entire mankind to follow this spiritual course. If there is anything worthwhile in this world it is only with these accomplished and attained sages. If any one wants his salvation he can do so following their foot-steps.
Man, who is engaged in violent acts of mutual bloodshed out of sheer ambition, power and wealth to augment more wealth and territory, are these achievements everlasting? didn't we have such people earlier before who tried to rule over terriotory soaked in human blood of millions of people? but for how long? Are those territories and their wealth still intact today? The souls of those people are still haunting and seeking deliverance. He can not be a father, guardian or representative who leaves a course fall of thorns and problems for his sons and people to follow after him. When their children face problems they curse them. Similarly a leader is not a true leader who makes his followers take a wrong course of mutual hatred and thus opens up gates of suffering and destruction for his followers. Whatever we are fighting for today can not be our lasting proud possession. But the seeds of animosity and hatred will keep our generations unhappy for ever, and we will continue to hate each other for long long time.
Even if man makes progress and development millions of times more than what he has done at present, he can never get peace and happiness. He will go on tumbling over rocks like a river till he does not meet the infinite ocean to the supreme. Even he, who enjoys the greatest position, power, and pelf in this world is not free from unhappiness. If there reigns a single individual over this world, how long will it last? There have been money in history who had such a dream. Such ambitious person, groups and clans came stayed here for a while and disappeared for ever. Those who are trying to follow a similar course at present, will they last for ever? Will they get everlasting peace and happiness from such means and methods? No one who follows the course which leads to destruction and unhappiness can be called the saviour or well-wisher of mankind.
Therefore, it is our humble request to all our leaders and representatives to keep in mind the glorious and great messages of our seers, saints and prophets and try to unite the entire mankind into a homogenous fraternity and become adorable like Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahaveer, Jesus, Mohammad, Nanak, Kabir, Tulsi, Meera, Raidas, Guru Gorakhnath and Parmanandji.